TED Blog

The TED Blog shares interesting news about TED, TEDTalks video, the TED Prize and more. 2012-10-08T21:13:15Z
Updated: 1 year 18 weeks ago

Tue, 2012-10-09 03:15
In the information age we have access to more data and knowledge than at any previous point in human history. But more accessible data doesn’t necessarily mean more processable data — tax returns, court cases and newspaper archives may be available to the public, but they are often hard to interpret and understand. Data artists [...]

Mon, 2012-10-08 23:54
“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.com, is credited with saying this first — and in a fast-paced talk from TEDGlobal 2012 University, marketer Tim Leberecht takes Bezos’ observation as a jumping-off point. “Hyperconnectivity allows companies to be in that room [...]

Sat, 2012-10-06 02:43
Astrophysicist, educator, and humanitarian Hakeem Oluseyi trounced race and class to become an important contributor to computer technology and space research. Back on Earth, he’s doing all he can to give young and underfunded scientists a chance to reach for the stars. Yours is an extraordinary story. You grew up impoverished — moving frequently from [...]

Sat, 2012-10-06 01:39
Museum exhibitions offer a complex conundrum. While museum-goers walk through, looking at art and objects of extreme historical importance, the context of a piece’s creation is often reduced to a small plaque on the wall. This is an issue that Thomas P. Campbell, the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, thinks [...]

Fri, 2012-10-05 06:06
We are thoroughly impressed with contortionist Anudari, who performed last week at TEDxUlaanbaatar in Mongolia. She has been studying contortion since she was 6-years-old. But it’s not just her outrageous flexibility and ability to fold in impossible ways that makes her so fascinating to watch. It’s the fact that she can play a musical instrument [...]

Fri, 2012-10-05 00:11
As computers have gotten more complex, even tech literate users have become detached from the basics of how they function. This is what Shimon Schocken and Noam Nisan noticed with their computer science students in Israel. As Schocken explains in this talk from TEDGlobal 2012, the pair decided to have their students build a working [...]

Thu, 2012-10-04 07:39
Enjoy these fascinating reads from across the internet: Tonight brings the first U.S. presidential debate of the 2012 election season, and Jim Lehrer has instituted new rules to make it more of a group discussion and less like a series of disjointed monologues. [Christian Science Monitor] Read the TED Blog’s Q&A with nonverbal communication expert [...]

Thu, 2012-10-04 03:44
“The One World Schoolhouse fleshes out the story and vision that began with my talk at TED,” Salman Khan tells the TED Blog. His new book, out this week, lays out a bold strategy for bringing “a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.” In the book, Khan talks about such points as: Why technology will [...]

Thu, 2012-10-04 00:49
With just over a month to go before the 2012 presidential election, eyes around the world are on the United States. Will Americans vote to give Barack Obama another four years in the White House, or will the country opt for a turnabout and vote Mitt Romney into office? The election may well come down [...]

Wed, 2012-10-03 21:00
Every week at TED’s New York office, one media team staffer shares 5 things on the web that intrigued, shocked or amused them. We call it: Previously on the Internet. Here are this week’s finds, from Haley Hoffman, TED’s product team consultant. Let’s agree to call them InstaGrahams The online sweet shop Baking for Good [...]

Mon, 2012-08-06 09:01
Tonight at 10:31:30 pm PDT, the rover Curiosity will land on Mars. And if you haven’t yet watched the astonishing way it’ll get down to the surface, just watch this: Why go to Mars? In 2008, Charles Elachi, director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, asked that question at the Serious Play conference — and answered [...]

Sat, 2012-08-04 02:37
Marc Goodman studies how to prevent future crimes — not in the Minority Report sense, but by thinking about the ways that current and imagined technologies could be used to commit crimes. At TEDGlobal 2012 he gave a talk on some of the ways this could play out – showing examples of how drug cartels [...]

Sat, 2012-08-04 01:00
Fueled by personal conviction and in response to family tragedy, emergency physician Ola Orekunrin — one of the UK’s youngest qualifying doctors — takes to the skies to provide West Africa with its first air ambulance service. How did you end up running an air ambulance in Nigeria? I’ve been very interested in emergency trauma [...]

Fri, 2012-08-03 23:05
Composer Mark Applebaum is bored by the standard rules of music. In a madcap talk given at TEDxStanford, the associate professor of composition shares how he began thinking far outside the box — as well as outside of the violin and piano — when writing music. But explaining Applebaum’s pieces in words won’t make very [...]

Fri, 2012-08-03 21:16
What’s the first TEDTalk that made director of content Kelly Stoetzel cry? In a new interview on the website Womenetics, Stoetzel reveals the first TED speaker who got her choked up — surgeon Sherwin Nuland, who spoke at TED2003. “[Nuland] made himself really vulnerable on the stage. He talked about something that his colleagues didn’t [...]

Fri, 2012-08-03 02:03
This spring, TED headed on the road, visiting 14 cities across six continents on the hunt for untapped talent. The idea behind the sweeping search: to let you, the TED community, weigh in and vote on which speakers you’d like to see ascend the stage at TED2013. After holding one-night salons in Amsterdam, Bangalore, Doha, [...]

Fri, 2012-08-03 00:30
The massive layer of ice covering Greenland melted at a faster rate in July than at any other time in recorded history, with 97% of the entire ice sheet showing signs of significant thaw. The unprecedented rapid melting, which was captured in images taken from several satellites and released by NASA, alarmed scientists and deepened [...]

Thu, 2012-08-02 23:16
Photo retouchers don’t have the best of reputations. As Becci Manson put it in a moving talk at TEDGlobal 2012, “We’re pale gray creatures who hide in dark windowless rooms and generally avoid light. We make skinny models skinnier and perfect skin more perfect.” But sometimes, a retoucher’s work is far beyond skin deep. In [...]

Thu, 2012-08-02 06:00
Check out these fascinating finds from across the internet: Tavi Gevinson gave an inspired talk at TEDxTeen, “Just trying to figure it out.” This week, Gevinson — the founder of the online magazine Rookie– has been on a media blitz. First, Gevinson was heralded as the “Oracle of Girl World” in the Sunday New York [...]

Thu, 2012-08-02 05:22
In 1975, economist and musician José Abreu founded El Sistema (“The System”), a classical music education plan for kids in Venezuela. Over the years, El Sistema has grown into a powerhouse in Venezuela, and today comprises more than 150 youth and 70 children’s orchestras. It’s estimated that more than 310,000 children currently play an instrument [...]
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